2/19/06: Dash's increasing looking around about his immediate area led to the inevitable climax of him falling out of his bouncy chair as he was looking to see what was behind it. Fortunately, I was watching him do this and caught him. Just about an hour ago Leigh called me over: "watch this." Dash was sitting on the leather chair, propped up. Leigh said to Dash, while extended her arms to pick him up, "Come on, Dash, let's go." Dash raised his arms to be picked up. Leigh and I gushed for a good ten minutes, realizing that only parents would give a darn about such a thing. I've definitely crossed over into the Parent Zone. I don' t even yap about the cats anymore.
...long pause in the recording of the developments, not in the developments themselves.
12/7/05: Been smiling for a week. I always knew that when smiled their happiness was pure and overwhelming. What I didn't realize was that for the parents those first smiles were just as emotionally overwhelming.
11/15/05: Good focus, lots of vocal noise.
10/31/05: Circumcised (Dash was sucking on Daddy's finger during the procedure for calming. Daddy thinks this was one of the most barbaric things he's ever witnessed (largely because of the "electiveness" of it). Mitigated only by the fact that it's so very routine. I could write a piece on it that would leave some lasting images in your mind, but I won't.
10/24/05: Came home.
10/21/05: Born.